‘Boomtown Fair’ Project

Festival district, main stage and immersive VIP lounge area passion project design for music festival ‘Boomtown’.

Completed June 2020

This is the work I produced for my Final Major Project in my final year on a bachelor’s course in Interior Design Decoration for which I was awarded a first. My chosen brief was to create an immersive ‘city’ façade and main stage design for the renowned Boomtown music festival which complimented the festival’s yearly storyline but had its own individual concept. The city façade needed to provide areas for guests to purchase refreshments through integrated concessions on the site, have smaller tents and stages for DJ’s, provide places for attendees to relax whilst at the festival and to explore the city streets. The chosen concept for the project was ‘Life on Mars’ and aimed to create a futuristic space age city following a storyline that suggested the human population inevitably destroyed planet Earth due to our capitalist and consumerist society, leading to repopulation on Mars, and was a satirical perspective of whether society would learn from their past mistakes.

My designs for this project were showcased in the 2021 British-Sino Graduation Works Exhibition, held by the Jiangsu Urban and Rural Construction College (JURCC) in China. I was awarded third prize for my submission.



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